Kinovea for touchdown
Kinovea for touchdown

kinovea for touchdown

O ur General Public Li censes are designed to make su re that yo uhave the freedom to distribut e copies o f free sof tware (and charge fo rthis serv ice if you wish) tha t you rece ive source code or c an get iti f you want it that y ou can cha nge the so ftware or use pieces of itin n ew free pr ograms an d that you know you can do the se things.


W hen we spe ak of free software we are ref erring to freedom no tprice. (Some ot her Free S oftware Fo undation s oftware is covered b ythe GNU L esser Gene ral Public License i nstead.) You can ap ply it toy our progra ms too.

kinovea for touchdown

Th isGeneral Public Lic ense appli es to most of the Fr ee Softwar eFoundatio n's softwa re and to any other program wh ose author s commit t ousing it.

kinovea for touchdown

By contras t the GNU General Pu blicLicens e is inten ded to gua rantee you r freedom to share a nd change freesoftwa re-to mak e sure the software is free fo r all its users. Prea mble The licenses f or most so ftware are designed to take aw ay yourfre edom to sh are and ch ange it. 5 1 Franklin Street Fi fth Floor Boston MA 02110-1301 USA Every one is per mitted to copy and d istribute verbatim c opies of t his licens e document but chang ing it is not allowe d. GNU GENE RAL PUBLIC LICENSE Versi on 2 June 1991 Copyr ight (C) F ree Softwa re Foundat ion Inc. Window detected: < &BackI & AgreeCance l Licens e Agreemen tPlease re view the l icense ter ms before installing Kinovea.P ress Page Down to se e the rest of the ag reement. Static PE information: 32BIT_MACH INE, EXECU TABLE_IMAG E, RELOCS_ STRIPPEDįound installer window with terms and condition text

Kinovea for touchdown